Friday, July 6, 2007

OOOOUUCCHHHbreaking them.

Well, maybe some of you know this and maybe you don't, but it is James' lifelong pledge and oath to hurt himself at least once a day, if he's feeling up to it, possibly twice or more a day. He is by far THE MOST ACCIDENT prone person I have ever met. Baby G comes in a close second, but she is only 2 and has an off sense of equilibrium. Who knows James' excuse. He can do amazing physical skills with balance and poise. He has a reaction time of a leaping spider, so why so many falls, slips, spills, bumps, trips, oh the list could go on and on? I feel bad, but I don't even flinch when I hear "OOOUUUUCCCHHH!!!" You think I am kidding right? Since last year James has....
- Totaled our car.
- Sliced his thumb almost completely off when cutting a bagel
- Sprained his finger, knuckle, and thumb. All at different times.
- Fallen down our stairs at least a dozen times (Not joking, a full flight of stairs)
- Countless mystery injuries from the day job.
- Sliced his hand open twice from playing with our adorable 8 lb. puppy.
- Sliced his elbow and knuckles open on our plastered wall in the hall way.
- Got a car door slammed on his leg. (My bad)
- Countless crouch shots by our little harmless girls. (Hope we can have more)
- Multiple toe jams to nearly breaking them.
- A few nose bangs, usually by a child's head.
- A couple of turned ankles.

The list could go on and on and on. These are just a few that come to my immediate memory. I know you still think I am joking. So I captured yet another James catastrophe on camera. By the way this one's not on my list. But hey, some how he pulls thru without even a doctor's visit. And I love him!

1 comment:

Fed said...

Hey, it keeps things interesting :)