Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Sorry,sorry,sorry for total neglect. I noticed that my last posting was over a month ago. Yikes! I haven't really been blog stalking either. Since mid August, I have been slammed. As you all know James offcially quit his day job to do photography full time. So, I needed to pick up more hours to help along in the beginning. Along with working more hours, I began coaching the Fontbonne Varsity Swim Team, which takes up almost my whole week. And to top it off, I have been booked up almost every weekend for weddings, either doing makeup or photography. Woooo. I need a break. I am also working hard at developing a great new business opportunity for The Feds Studio. Hopefully this will become my full time job. But, it's almost October and this very busy few months are finishing up. I see a clearing ahead. So, I'm justing going to keep on truckin!